How do we manufacture? - CATÁLOGO WIKWOODS


This is Aalto. A Professional theme for
architects, construction and interior designers

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531 West Avenue, NY

Mon - Sat 8 AM - 8 PM



The manufacturing process of WIKWOODS wooden tables is artisanal.

The process starts with a careful selection of the best wooden logs in the forest and the sawmills. The pieces are selected one by one with meticulous care, incorporating any species that by its size, uniqueness and characteristics allows us to think that the result of its development will achieve exceptional and unique sensations.

The drying is done in the conditions and time necessary for the wood does not deteriorate and its future behavior be as expected.

The cutting of the pieces is carried out preserving the characteristics of each one and guaranteeing the adequate behavior of the wood in the future.

The design of the production takes into account that each wooden log and piece of wood is unique, so that its characteristics must be appreciated at the table.

The manual manufacture is carried out by specialized carpenters who give at each piece of wood the appropriate treatment so that each table is unique as is the piece of wood from which they come.

The final termination of each table is made by treating each kind of wood with the most suitable natural products that guarantee the maintenance of its properties and characteristics.